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Our Mentorship Program is for humans between the ages of 13 to 18 that have gifts they are trying to develop and understand.  

Steps to joining our mentorship program:

1. Contact us and explain your situation. Include your name, age, and tell us about your gifts. Is there someone on the team you would like to have for you sponsor? (not a guarantee but we will try to place you together)...

2. We will set up a time for you and your family to meet with us. We will get a a mentorship form  signed by a parent or legal guardian.

It's that easy...

The Mentorship Form that we will fill out with you if you would like to read it over beforehand is right here.

And once we feel you are a good fit and we have an available mentor, the two of you decide what path the mentorship will take.

While we will allow the child being mentored to come to our free classes, and assist with public investigations... we do not allow them to do private house/business investigations with the team.

We also allow both (2) parents/gaurdians over the age of 18 to accompany the person in the program for free or as long as we have written consent from a parent/gaurdian. if they are not able to attend, they may give written permission beforehand for someone (1) over the age of 18 to accompany instead.

Currently we have openings.

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